Sunday, January 11, 2009

SPAM - I did it

Trying to get Suzie's new business site indexed by Google, so I'm putting the URL everywhere I can.

If you're looking for computer training in Brisbane, check out:

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Blogger Hacking - Adding a Link List and Changing the Width

I wrote these for my buddy Paul, but thought some other Blogger users might find them useful or interesting too.
You'll have to click on the links, because I can't show the html code in Blogger - it keeps wanting to actually use the html!

Adding a Link List

Changing Your Text Width

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Go To The Real Slim Bravus

I'm actually just setting up a Blogger account so I can post comments to Aisha's blog... But if you want to find the real, original Bravus blog (accept no substitutes), it's here.